In December 2024, we hosted a Climate Conversation - one a series of events happening across Wales.
These events aim to inform future Welsh Government decision making around climate action.
Creative practitioner Lucy Smith created a cut-up collage based on the Global Gardens conversation facilitated...
Dissolving words: a cut-up collage of 2024 Climate Conversations
Business as usual is not an option.
flooding, power cuts, extreme weather, unsafe water
panic buying, isolation, climate anxiety
generally: unprepared
communities next to rivers/sea/coal waste heaps/valleys
sanctuary seekers and refugees
housing and economic inequality
those who are easily cut off
no phones or internet
farmers and others dependent on the land
community hubs
places of safety
generators, food, clothing, water and warmth
a ‘climate bomb shelter’
We have everything we need, we just need to share it fairly.
localise democracy
localise economies
localise food production
localise energy production
community level media by and for the people - share local information: passable roads, shops with milk, areas without power
Strengthening our communities strengthens our resilience.
plan resilience
lobby for change
represent community projects
support climate change action ambassadors
Nothing is forever.
imagine and create
diverse approaches
we need more information
business as usual is not an option
what will we do with our conversations?
and to the government: what are you doing with them?
these words dissolve
if we leave them hanging in the air too long